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When the two surfaces are each treated as one layer of a composite wall, the heat ow into the wall (at the surface at x = 0) or out of the wall (at the surface at x = L) (in the positive xdirection), which are given respectively by the right hand side of Equations 1.69a and 1.69b, should now be regarded as the heat ow into and out of the respective layers. Denoting these heat ows as qo(t) and qi(t): q(0, t ) = qo (t ) q( L, t ) = qi (t ) (1.70a) (1.70b)


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One of the features found throughout Dreamweaver, the Eyedropper tool, is especially useful in the Page Properties options. The Eyedropper tool appears whenever you open any of Dreamweaver s color swatches, such as those attached to the Background, Text, and Links colors. You can not only pick a color from the Web-safe palette that appears, but also use the Eyedropper to select any color on any page including system colors such as those found in dialog boxes and menu strips. To use the Eyedropper tool to choose a color for the background (or any of the other options) from an onscreen image, follow these steps:

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In the JFK Files scenario below, we will explore how you can leverage Azure Cognitive .... Input); // Run OCR on the image using the Vision API var cogOcr = skillSet. ... By uploading an image or specifying an image URL, Microsoft Computer ...

The execute() method in the ModifyInvoiceAction that follows can be used either to navigate to the Modify Invoice page or to handle submission of the Modify Invoice page s form. The method looks for a magic parameter, invoiceNum, in the request. If the parameter is there, the method assumes that this is a request to navigate to the page, and it uses the value invoiceNum to find the invoice to display. If invoiceNum is not in the request, then the method assumes that the user has submitted a form from the Modify Invoice page, and it attempts to save the values passed in via the ActionForm in the parameter list, as you can see in Listing 3.14.

Parameter URL parameters are arguments added onto the address of a page, typically by a form using the GET method. For example, the URL http://www.idest.com/ mail_list.asp email=jblow@anyhoo.com indicates that the e-mail field would be set to jblow@anyhoo.com. URL parameters are encoded so that no spaces or high ASCII characters are transmitted directly.


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Windows CE device interfaces are inherently graphical, especially in the palmtop and Pocket PC form factors. More than 90 percent of the of the CE computers deployed today belong to this tribe of ultra-small computers, and the most important thing about this group of devices is that they lack traditional keyboards. In a sense, the tinier CE devices have brought us full circle. Thousands of years ago, we got a lot of exercise, ate vegetables in season, and wrote in the mud with sticks, this last owing in part to the absence of keyboards. Modern as we are, today s Homo sapiens hit the salad bar after step aerobics, all the while scribbling reminders on the iPaq using a stylus. C est plus ce change, ce plus le m me chose. Most ported applications will need to reevaluate their input handling. Users of the smaller devices simply won t accept an interface that forces them to tap out all text input on the pop-up chicklet keyboard. Direct support for stylus input is a key feature. From a programming point of view, the significant thing about this trend is that accepting stylus input has more in common with graphical programming than with handling a keyboard or mouse input stream. In the next chapter, we ll explore some approaches to setting up to receive and manage stylus input.

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